
Phone Number:

Thank you for participating in this survey! Please answer these questions to the best of your ability and help us improve the quality of our Through These Doors services. Your individual responses will remain anonymous and will be used to help us evaluate our programming. Overall numbers will be reported out to our funders and our community.

Please select the program in which you recently received services. If you aren't sure which option applies to you, please ask your advocate or refer to the following:

    • DV-CPS Liaison - receiving help from an advocate on your safety needs around an open child protective matter
    • EPIC - receiving help from an advocate in connection to a recent experience with law enforcement
    • Hotline - calling the hotline or receiving a call back from the hotline
    • Individual Advocacy - working one on one with an advocate outside of the hotline, i.e. at an outreach location, at the hospital, etc.
    • Legal Program - receiving help with a protection order or other civil matter, or a criminal matter, preparing court documents, court accompaniment, etc.
    • Residential Services - receiving services within the Through These Doors shelter, hotel, housing navigation services, or transitional housing services program
    • Support/Educational Group - Weekly Support Group

    Thank you for your time!

Sahanka Macaamiisha

Type of Survey:
Waxaan aqaan siyaabo badan oo aan u qorsheyn karo badbaadadayda:
Sideen Kuugu caawin karnaa inaad si fiican u qorsheysato badbaadadaada:
Wax badan ayaan ka aqaanaa ilaha bulshada:
Sideen kuugu caawin karnaa inaad wax badan ka ogaato ilaha bulshada?
Waxaan wax badan ka ogahy habka cadaalada/sharciga iyo fursadaha ii banana guud ahaan:
Sideen kuugu caawin karnaa inaad wax badan ka ogaato habka cadaaladda/sharciga:
My stay at the Safe House was adequate:
How could we have made your stay better:
I had/have a relapse in my safety and prevention plan:
What did you think caused the relapse:
Do you feel safer after contact with the Safe Voices:
What would have made you feel safer:
Ma haysataa wax jawaab celin ah oo aad jeceshahay inaad nala wadaagto: