
Phone Number:

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Spring. Without you, we could not offer the same level of assistance to those who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. Volunteering with us is an investment of time, talent, and compassion. Therefore, we would some information about you and your interests. Thank you!

Contact Information

Individual or Group:
Volunteer/Church Group Name:
Other - Defined:
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Type City OK US
Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
( ) -
Email Address:

Basic Information

Date of Birth:
If you currently attend a church, would you share which one?:
Are you a current or former client of The Spring or another similar agency?
Are you volunteering to fulfill a class requirement?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
If so, would you give the details surrounding what occurred, why, how long ago you were convicted of a crime etc:

Employment & Skills

Where are you currently employed (if applicable):
What job/position do you have there:
Do you have an special skills, training or certifications that would be helpful for us to know (ex: CPR, IT, Legal, CPA etc.):
What are some of your Interests and Hobbies:
Do you speak any foreign language(s)? If so, what languages do speak:
Volunteer Opportunities - INDIRECT Services (select all you are interested in):

Volunteer Opportunities - DIRECT Services (select all you interested in learning more about):

Areas of Service Interest: Other Defined:

Personal Information

1. Tell us about yourself:
2. What drew you to volunteering with The Spring:
3. List some of your strengths that you would like to be of value in your volunteering:
4. Have you, or someone close to you been a victim of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Human Trafficking?
if yes, could you tell us a little bit about what happened and how long ago this occurred:
5. Do you anticipate any difficulties handling emotions that may come up working with survivors of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault?
6. Do you anticipate any difficulties in helping people whose lifestyle may differ from your own or persons of a different race, culture, sexual orientation, or religion?

Emergency Contact Information

An emergency contact will only be used in the event of a medical issue/accident, you are unable to respond or you request that we contact them. 

Emergency Contact Name:
Phone Number:
( ) -


Please list two references who are not related to you.

Reference 1 - Name:
Relationship to You:
Reference 1 - Phone Number:
( ) -
Reference - Email Address:
Reference 2 - Name:
Relationship to You:
Reference 2 -Phone Number:
( ) -
Reference 2 - Email Address:

Direct Service volunteer positions and SOME other volunteer positions - are subject to a background check and a verification that the person is not required to register under the provisions of the Oklahoma Sex Offenders Registration Act, or the Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act.

Are you over 18 years of age?

Due to the nature of our work and the responsibility we entrust to our volunteer staff, all applicants must be over 18 years of age or older and are required to complete this application, a background check, and an interview with the volunteer coordinator. Children under the age of 18 may volunteer only under the accompaniment of a parent/guardian who has completed this application process.

A mandatory background check is required for most volunteer positions at The Spring, (some exceptions will include 1 time volunteer groups) to assist us in processing your application, we ask for your assistance to cover the $20 fee or that you complete the background check yourself via the volunteer portal and return the processed background check to us. 

If you would prefer that The Spring complete your background check in your stead
please contact the volunteer coordinator - 

In signing this application, you are authorizing The Spring to have your personal information and if necessary to complete a background check on your behalf. 

Signature (Type Name):
Date Signed:

Variable Permissions:

Full: mychaela.p
No Other Users

Outcome of Application:
Background Check Fee Received?
Statement of Confidentiality:

Signed Job Description: